have created this blog as a way of connecting and sharing my artistic experiences
with others. In the coming months I will be building this blog to show my
current and previous artistic exploits as well as all of the wonderful
inspirations in my life.
New Project: Women Afoot
Since graduating in 2010 my work has continued to focus on giving expression to the many shared experiences of women today.
With my new installation work I hope to impart my heartfelt belief that every woman counts and has a voice that needs to be heard. Literally and metaphorically. We need to stand together and support one another.I have decided to cast 100 women's feet from all walks of life. These many feet may also remind us of what it is to walk in anothers shoes and what it is to be the same and different. Women seem to be the hardest critics on other women and themselves.
The medium for the project will be handmade paper from the banana plant as paper reflects the inticate blend of strength and fragility at our core. It evokes the multiple and complex layers of being female of our many roles and variegated experiences. Using natural and sustainable materials enable me to be as honest and real as I can be with the work. Honesty, narrative, stillness and connection are all very important aspects to me with my work.
In addition to taking a cast of the womens feet, I am asking them to share a short message they would like to share with other women today. The messages I collect from the participants will be incorporated in to a work and also hand screened onto teatowels and sold on the exhibition night with 100% of sales going to the Second Chance Programme fundraising group Inc, placing women beyond homelessness. The work will be exhibited at the Graydon Gallery New Farm from March 4th to 9th 2014.
If you would like to participate or discuss any aspect of the project please contact me.
Your participation would involve giving 40 mins of your time to allow me to cast your feet with plaster bandage.
Each week I will be updating you on progress and process.
Cheers Kym
Preparations: Medical grade plaster bandage.
Essentials : Vaseline
Work has begun taking the many castings.
Vaseline is applied to the skin then the plaster is dampened
and placed on the foot.
Applying the plaster, a simple and pain free process
Best part : having your feet washed after the casting is complete.
Thankyou so much to the many women so far who have given me their time and allowed me to cast their feet. It has been a wonderful experience. I have 40 completed and on task for reaching my goal of 100.
If you would like to participate please contact me .
Cheers Kym
Ready for the next stage
It is thanks to the many wonderful women participating in this project that makes it what it is.
Starting another piece of work for the exhibition
Many more wonderful feet
Preparation begins for paper

2 coats applied to the plaster casts
Thanks to the wonderful women participating.
The paper work has begun
Laying the paper in the casts
The feet are being stored in plastic tubs which are taking over my art room.
The mould with paper inside taking shape
Casts drying awaiting paper
The fibre in the paper is looking beautiful
each set of feet totally unique
This is a quarter of the perspex base.
Many more wonderful feet
Preparation begins for paper
2 coats applied to the plaster casts
paper process begins
More wonderful women participating the youngest 16 oldest 89.
Casting feet most days hoping to have it completed by the end of AugustThanks to the wonderful women participating.
The paper work has begun
Laying the paper in the casts
More washing
More casting
More wonderful women participating
During the past few months I have had the priviledge of meeting and casting many women's feet.
Women from different professional/non professional occupations, cultural backgrounds and geographical locations city, rural and remote.
All these women giving me 40 minutes of their very precious time which I value and appreciate.
Coming together in support of other women they don't know.
It has been a very joyous and inspirational experience.
I have 30 women to go so if you would like to take part please contact me.
The hard work continues
More casting.
smoothing the plaster
more casting
My week started with an inspirational group of young women.
One of the women even gave me time on her birthday.
Many Thanks
It is so important for women to have a voice in the public sphere.
Each week I would like to share one of the messages received from the women participating in the project.
To see and hear all the incredible messages from the women you will have to come to the Women Afoot Exhibition on March 4-9 2014 at the Graydon Gallery New Farm.
These messages are honest and heartfelt.
"Trust your instincts and trust your body
life may be busy but your life is more important"
This weekend I was very fortunate to have a day and night away. It was a refreshing break.
My feet enjoyed the wonderful sand beneath and between them.
"Seize the moment with laughter, integrity and kindness"
These are the book shelves in my studio space,
wonderful inspiration.
Today I cast an inspirational woman
Bronwen from The Hope Foundation
"No one ever went backwards with a little encouragement"
Last week two of my work collegues/dear friends
came and participated in the project. It was wonderful having them a part of it.
The casting is slowing up now as I reach my goal.
The messages the women have shared inspire me daily.
The feet are being stored in plastic tubs which are taking over my art room.
The mould with paper inside taking shape
Feet awaiting paper.
Message for the week:
'Do what makes your heart sing.'
This week lots of preparation work
Casts drying awaiting paper
and more wonderful women.
Message for the week
"Be as kind to yourself as you are to others"
I often forget to take time to care for my feet.
Many women have told me the same thing.
This weeks quote was a timely reminder
"Our feet allow us to move forward along our journey.
So we can live the life we were meant to live.
Admire these beautiful companions. Care for them, thank them and love them"
Thankyou Claude.
Claude has written a fabulous book called Boots to Bliss
Check it out.
The days are quickly rolling into one another and this year seems
to be going quicker than ever. This weeks quote is:
"Give yourself permission to be at peace with yourself"
We all have such busy lives these days it is great to stop and think and find the peace we need.
The quote for this week is
"Wherever you are be there"
I think this is a great one. So often in our busy lives we are not present in the moment
and can miss so much.
Thankyou to the
amazing women I have met, cast their feet and shared their
inspiring messages
It has been such a priviledge.
The work continues.
On the weekend I cast several Women's feet from
Grafton in N.S.W
I was fortunate to see the Jacaranda trees in full bloom,
they were glorious.
The quote for the week
"Always have hope, there is always a another chance"
Quote for the week
"Does the house really have to be spotless."
Mine certainly isn't. I have feet taking over my house everywhere.
Completed work is invading my art studio space, dining room and lounge.
I am very fortunate I have a supportive husband who understands my art.
The fibre in the paper is looking beautiful
each set of feet totally unique
This is a quarter of the perspex base.
Made in pieces for ease of transport
the lighting panels fit perfectly underneath.
Quote for the week
"Take the time to hug those you love everyday"
There are varying tones in the paper I have used.
This weeks message to ponder
'Beauty comes from self acceptance and having courage to value and express ourselves"
The oldest participant in the project was 89 years of age.
These are her beautiful feet.
Quote for the week
"Every day is a new beginning"
The pairs of feet are being stored in containers
which are taking over my art room.
Quote for the week
"Respect yourself and remain true to your principals;
and remember, none of us can go back, but we can choose
how we go forward"
The feet are now complete.
Work has now begun on the other pieces of work for the exhibition.
the quote for this week is
" Just Breathe "
as we enter in to this very busy time of year, try to
make the time to stop, take a breath and experience the simple joys of everyday.
To the 100 amazing women who have participated in my project and my wonderful blog viewers,
I wish you peace, love and joy this Christmas.
May you be able to share this season with family and friends.
With a grateful heart I wish you a very Merry Christmas
filled with much love and many happy memories.
Looking forward to a wonderful exhibition in March, and further updates in the New Year.
Kym x
Happy New Year to you all.
After a wonderful Christmas with my family and a
short trip to Cairns I am back working consistently
in this heat we are all experiencing, keeping on track
towards the exhibition. The feet are now complete
and my lounge room has been taken over in preparation
for photography on Tuesday.
Many of the other works for the exhibition are underway
and I will give you a snap shot in the next few weeks.
Please mark in your diaries
Friday March 7
for our opening night celebration.
Women Afoot Exhibition
Graydon Gallery
29 Merthyr Road New Farm Qld
An invitation will appear shortly with all the details.
Tonight I am busy unpicking a piece of work I am doing.
Work usually involves lots of changes, problem solving,
even undoing.
Dear friends, the work is nearing completion
and the exhibition is only a few weeks away.
Please mark the date in your diary
please join us if you can
come stand with us.
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